Friday, September 29, 2006

Happiness - as I see it

Lately, most mornings when I wake up, I feel happy. It's not a very unusual feeling for me considering that I am a positive individual. I smile as I get out of bed; and then get on with my day.

There's nothing wrong in being happy. Yet the society of today might not think so. I should be seeing a therapist, taking drugs for my depression, finding things wrong with my life, etc. Whatever happened to enjoying life as it is right now? When can one stop and smell the roses?

By no means am I dismissing the importance of choosing good actions that will improve ones future. By 'enjoying life' I am not implying to start doing stupid things right now that might potentially hurt you in the future. So, why am I labeled as weird for being happy right now?

When someone asks me 'How are you?' and I reply 'Excellent', I get a double-take, as if the person asking the question would rather hear about my horrible day. There's nothing wrong for feeling good. So, here goes nothing: I am happy right now. There, I said it. Take it or leave it.

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